Our Location

260, 8170 50 Street, Edmonton, AB T6B 1E6
Local:1 780 701 9222Toll-free:1 866 467 2259
Fax:1 888 649 0677
E-mail: info@2call.ca
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Welcome to the new 2call.ca! Certain parts of the site are still being completed, please visit the contact page and send us a message if you have questions.
260, 8170 50 Street, Edmonton, AB T6B 1E6
Local:1 780 701 9222We are here to help you get started.
2call provides a number of fantastic services, but which one is right for you? Contact us today to help you find the right match for your needs...Requesting a quote
Call directly at: 780 701 9222 or use the contact form below. Please provide details of your activity such as desired contact method, target date, and size of audience. Also note that many of our services are available inside the member's website.General Information
Use the Contact Form below to send us a message. For technical support please use the contact system provided inside the member's areaDid you receive an unexpected call?
In addition to requiring all members adhere to Canadian law, 2call also maintains an independent Do Not Call list. Please visit the DNCL page to register. Your number will be kept on file for three years.The Member's help section provides basic tutorials on each component of the website, step-by-step instructions for using most services, and sample material from past campaigns available as a template for your needs.